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Showing posts from August, 2015

Cecil the Lion vs. Anonymous Human Babies

lion image: Great argument against abortion by Mr. Chandler: I noticed that in a recent TIME magazine, they devoted 6 pages with color photos to talk about Cecil the Lion, and lions in general who are raised to be hunted in South Africa.  A few pages later, I saw half a page of text. It was about the videos leaked of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts to middlemen. Half a page of text. No color photographs. Not even a full page. At the end of the article, the reporter compared using baby's body parts to using human organs from (adults) people in car accidents or shootings. No one wants someone to get shot or be in an accident, but it can help other people. The only problem with that argument is this: the adults can choose to be an organ donor, but an unborn baby has no choice!  When did lions become more important than human babies ?  F...

Thoughts on the book of Daniel

I read through the book of Daniel July 6-July 9. I wrote down some aspects that stood out to me and am sharing them here. I hope something I gleaned can be of encouragement to you. The Word of God is precious and living. The Lord is showing me that practically more and more.  ~Elizabeth  Daniel Chapters 1-3 Opens with a mention of the King of Babylon,  Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon was located in modern day Iraq.   " Babylon was situated on the Euphrates River, about 50 miles south of modern Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. Baghdad is located on the Tigris River, approximately 40 miles east of the Euphrates. The Tower of Babel was built there and Hammurabi, the great lawgiver, reigned there in the nineteenth century before Christ. It was from Ur in Babylonia that God called Abraham to go into a land that he would show him. In the Neo-Babylonia era, Nebuchadnezzar was the ruler (605-562 B.C.) in the height of its glory. It was during his time that Jerusalem...