I thought I would share a few web links I have found encouraging and helpful: UPLOOK is a wonderful Christian magazine. I have been encouraged in my walk with the Lord, by their scriptural articles. You can download back issues of the magazine to your mobile device or computer. They have a magazine archive from 1998 all the way to 2013. Check it out! http://www.uplook.org/archives.html Another blog: http://goodwordsandworks.com/ It features book reviews on different books and also great posts on biblical truth. They have a nice list of links to other similar websites. http://digitalsojourner.com/ Thoughts on the Christian life as we sojourn together through the modern world http://whyweweb.com/ This website has lots of tips on technology and how we as Christians can use technology to share the gospel more effectively. http://ponsvir.blogspot.com/ This is another writing blog. It has posts on the tabernacle and other subjects in the Old Testament....
Looking to Christ for my vision and hope.