Our Reason For Being -by William MacDonald In planning your career, you should remember this: the real goal of your life is to glorify God and to represent His interests on earth. Everything else is incidental. Christians have bigger business than to give their best to the unworthy world. We are born to soar with eagle's wings, not to crawl in muck. The believer has one great occupation - to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. The only possible justification for a 'job' or a 'profession' is to meet daily needs and to be able to give everything above that to the work of the Lord. The big problem today is how to keep 'apostleship' and 'tent-making' in proper balance. The 'tent-making industry' wants an ever increasing share of your time and your strength and your skill. The big moguls don't have any vision when it comes to 'apostleship.' All they're interested in is more and bigger and finer tents...
Looking to Christ for my vision and hope.