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Showing posts from July, 2013

The Great High Priest (Poem)

(Hebrews vii. 24, 25.) Sweet to trace His toiling footsteps      Here amidst the desert sands; Bear in memory all His sorrow,     Thorn-clad head and pierced hands! Learn His love beside the manger,     Learn it on the stormy wave, By the well, and in the garden-     Learn it by the Cross and grave. Yet not only in remembrance     Do we watch that stream of love- Still a mighty torrent flowing     From the throne of God above. Still a treasure all uncounted-     Still a story half untold- Unexhausted and unfathomed,     Fresh as in the days of old. Christ at God's right hand unwearied     By our tale of shame and sin, Day by day, and hour by hour,     Welcoming each wanderer in; On His heart amidst the glory,     Bearing all our grief and care. Every burden, ere we feel it,     Weighed and measured in His pr...

Thy Word

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."                                                                                         Psalm 119:105 The old fashioned lamp referred to here is hand-held, for personal use in the night. What a lovely picture of the Scriptures. It is absolutely essential to grasp the tenets and principles of the Word of God for oneself. To trim the wick and replenish the oil is a daily necessity- and daily reading and study and meditation is essential to survive in this dark world. Are you reading the Bible, daily looking for that light and guidance?  -Brian Russell Oh, Word divine! Oh, Book sublime! Oh, Wisdom so transcending! We look to Thee, we cling to Thee For guiding light unending. S. F...

Blessed Quietness

                                                   Joys are flowing like a river,                                                   Since the Comforter has come;                                                   He abides with us forever,                                                   Makes the trusting heart His home.                                            ...